Titi Conservation Alliance believes conservation is a comprehensive process that requires local empowerment. All the projects are designed to create a positive long term-impact for the communities and the environment, while involving them as active responsible partners.


Environmental Education is a key component of conservation and management of natural resources.

Providing valuable information to children, adults in the community and visitors about different ecosystems and natural treasures that surround us became our main mission and work approach. Currently, Titi Conservation Alliance offers Environmental Education tours and talks for educational centers. In addition, we educate local businesses and the community through participation in the Quepos Environmental Committee and in organizing conservation related festivals within the local community.

In 2019, Titi Conservation Alliance reached more than 1,240 students from 17 local schools and 90 employees of member businesses.

The Naranjo River Biological Corridor’s origins start in 2001, when it was first created by the Alliance to regenerate the habitat from Manuel Antonio National Park along the Naranjo River basin. It belongs to the National Network of Corridors and to the Mesoamerican Network of Corridors

The corridor comprises an area of approximately 55.350 acres, embracing a forest cover of 45%, of mainly primary and secondary forests.


Titi Conservation Alliance operates as a real alliance between private and public sectors, and the community towards a more sustainable destination. All the projects are designed to create a positive long term-impact for the communities and the environment. Proposed volunteering activities belong to larger conservation strategies and projects that have been going on for at least five years. We also try to involve values such as community participation, empowerment, biodiversity learning, etc.

Aiming to reinforce environmental and social responsibility, the Alliance organizes workshops for local businesses, gives lectures on biodiversity conservation for tourists, supports members with certifications (Sustainable Tourism Certification CST), and frequently promotes donation campaigns and events to raise awareness in the area.

Aiming to support sustainability and low impact agro-forestry, starting 2014 the Alliance has launched its first community sustainable development project. The organization is directly supporting the local Cooperativa de Sábalo by sponsoring a marketing and development plan as well as promoting the implementation of commercial strategies and relationships with local tourism businesses that are members of the Alliance. This new project is a result of the high artisan and local entrepreneurship participation that was obtained during the 2012 Naranjo River Biological Festival.

Titi Conservation Alliance promotes the development of scientific and/or monitoring studies in the area. The topics of interest may vary according to the current projects or local environmental reality. The organization redefines conservation strategies and annual work plans according to obtained results, analysis and performed evaluations.

The vast majority of the researches and studies are a result of alliances between Titi Conservation Alliance and national and or international entities, universities and researchers. If you would like to perform a study or thesis with us, please get in touch through info@monotiti.org. Depending on the topic and degree of the research, the Alliance covers for costs and living expenses.

As a guide, here are some areas and topics of interest for our work: Agro-forestry, local biodiversity, ecological monitoring, grey-crowned squirrel monkeys, environmental education, community surveys, habitat evaluation, endangered species, conservation strategies evaluation, connectivity evaluation, palm oil agro, waste water system improvement for rural communities, monkey bridges, rural solid waste treatment improvement, etc.


The Habitat Reforestation Program has reforested more than 65.000 native trees along priority areas and according to biodiversity conservation goals since 2002. Selection of areas for reforestation considers proximity to watersheds, fragmented habitats and designed connectivity routes within the Naranjo River Biological Corridor. The organization gives minimum three-year maintenance for all reforested species, ensuring a successful growth rate. The Habitat Reforestation Program has achieved a very positive 90-95% regeneration rate for reforested areas.

Most of the reforested lands are private properties. TIti Conservation Alliance negotiates the land owners commitment and gives them support to request for PSA (Pago Servicios Ambientales) public funds. If the requirements are fulfilled, Costa Rica´s government partially finances protected hectares of land.

The program is currently working with more than 53 native species, which results in balance healthy diet and rich ecosystems for local biodiversity. Amongst them: Hog Plum, Glassywood, Cashew, Breadfruit, Rosewood, Calabash Tree and many more. Every year, seedlings and young trees are raised in various locations: the organization’s nursery, the environmental education program school nurseries and other nurseries from allied public entities such as the National Costa Rican Electric Institute (ICE).

Schools, businesses, public entities and tourists participate in the reforestation activities. Every year, starting May until October, Titi Conservation Alliance organizes a series of reforestation days and invites volunteers to join the fun.