We are pleased to present our newest member of the Titi Conservation Alliance, Capris S.A. This company is one of Costa Rica’s foremost distributors of industrial equipment and hardware products, and has grown to include divisions dedicated to Green Building, energy efficiency and renewable power generation, equipment rental, engineering consulting and medical diagnostic equipment.
Founded in 1954 by Mr Carlos Ossenbach, the family’s third generation now manages an impressive operation located in La Uruca, with over 5000 industrial customers and which supplies over 500 hardware stores throughout the country. Capris is dedicated to serving the industrial, construction, automotive and hardware markets with a business philosophy based on providing quality products and outstanding customer service.
Capris’ decision to become a member of the Titi Conservation Alliance is directly in line with a important section of its Core Mission Statement:
“We make efforts to improve the ecology, so we can have a sustainable social and economic development for the further generations.”